Setting up webdav+https 2/3: client side on Debian

This howto is for setting up a webdav-over-https client on Debian Wheezy (7). See the other posts in this series to set up the server or the Windows 7 client.

  1. Make sure the client knows how to associate the Fully Qualified Name (FQN) for your server (in this example to your public IP address (in this example If that is not available through your DNS, add this line to the bottom of /etc/hosts:
  2. Install fusedav (as root):

    apt-get install fusedav
  3. Create the mount point (as root); make sure you replace “user” with the account name of the user that will mount the webdav share:

    mkdir /mnt/webdav
    chown user:user /mnt/webdav
  4. Add the user to the fuse group (as root); make sure you replace “user” with the account name of the user that will mount the webdav share:

    usermod -a -G fuse user
  5. Log out/ log in user

  6. Mount the webdav URL:

    fusedav -u paolog -p password /mnt/webdav

The console with this command has to remain open to make sure the connection is active. You can start it with nohup to make sure the command lives on after the console has been  closed.